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Gum's Hollow Apothecary

Wanting to change up your health and beauty routine can be a daunting task. Supermarkets and drugs stores hold numerous aisles of products that boast all sorts of promises. One will make your acne fade away, one will hydrate your skin, cover blemishes, soften your hair, erase wrinkles, etc. Pretty packaging makes it enticing to try whatever is new in hopes that it will make one aspect of your body better.

However, one quick flip of the bottle often produces a list of ingredients that the average person can’t pronounce. Most of us aren’t sure what we are slathering over our face and body, we are just hoping that it will do what the manufacture says it will.

I have taken many trips down these aisles and have found in the last few years that there has been a shift when it comes to what the companies boast about. Yes, they always tell you the potential benefits but they are now including words like “organic,” “natural,” and the biggest one “natural ingredients.” Those that had natural ingredients before are now letting people know it and those who hadn’t used them are starting to put them in. But why now?

Companies are seeing more and more people jump on the natural or holistic train. Whether they are doing it for the good of their bodies or because their best friends are, there has certainly been an uptick in interest and sales.

This pushed me towards researching more holistic choices in my area and led my right to the link of Gum’s Hollow Apothecary. After taking a look around the site I just had to get in contact with the owner and that led me to not only this interview but a whole new perspective of beauty products.

Gum’s Hollow Apothecary started out as a lot of stories do, with necessity being the mother of invention. Ashley, who held a job as a nurse, had a life changing experience when her son was diagnosed with Celiac disease. This disease disrupts the digestive tract, causing damage to the intestine that processes gluten. I had a friend in high school that was diagnosed as well, making my interest in the backstory of the business reach new heights.

Ashley and her husband downsized their home, making it possible for her to stay at home with her son. This sparked an interest in a more holistic lifestyle, which in turn made herbalism capture her attention. The teachings of a California native reached into the mind of a West Virginia native through an online program. The teachings of Rosemary Gladstar, the founder of the first school of herbalism in California, were taught to Ashley through Sage Mountain Retreat Center.

A quick glance online and one can find the products that Ashley has crafted through her time. Lotion bars, soaking salts, clay masks, smudge sticks, deodorant, teas, creams, serums and more! With a price range of $4.00 to $18.00, there is something for everyone. All with ingredients that can be pronounced and recognized, I just had to know where they were sourced from. Recently, Ashley was elected the Vice President of the West Virginia Herb Association. Living in West Virginia gives her an abundance of herbs. If they can't be found on the dairy farm she grew up on and still lives on, she partners with a local herbalist. If they aren't available at either of those sources she does go online, making sure that what she does purchase is both organically and ethically sourced.

When I have talked with people about a most holistic lifestyle or beauty routine, most that are on the fence have a few misconceptions about it. Given this opportunity, I asked Ashley what the one common misconception about her business sector that she would like to dispel would be. Her response, "That plant medicine isn't real medicine. Medicinal herbs were here long before us and they will be here long after. I think that sometimes people think plant medicine is a fad or that herbalism is only for hippies. Herbal medicine is the people's medicine. It's for everyone."

Getting back to the basics is something that I think a lot of people are looking into now. Many of us are trying to cut down on screen time, spend more time outdoors, and eat better. We are becoming increasingly inquisitive as to what is in not only our food but the products that we use everyday. "People are sick of being sick. They want to know what is in their food, medicine, and beauty products. I think that we all want to get back to basics and help ourselves! I also think people are proud. They want to support their community! They buy from small businesses because they don’t want them snuffed out by corporate America! I think small businesses like mine give people hope of a brighter future!" Ashley said.

Ashley does however warn that, "We are in the day and age of instant gratification. That’s the biggest complaint I’ve heard with herbal medicine. People want results yesterday! It’s a process, just like every good thing. Living a holistic lifestyle is just a small fraction of the bigger picture. Slowing down and enjoying the ride and being in that good mental state is key." As with most things, the best things that come are ones that take time.

In the beginning of this post I mentioned that Ashley and the products changed my perception of beauty products. I have spent years slathering the "next best thing" on my face in hopes of what it could do for me. My skin often lashed out at me, breaking or drying out because it rejected the chemicals. I have always have sensitive skin but even products that were "Dermatologist Approved" and "Made for Sensitive Skin" would still yield the same results as the harsher products, just less intense.

I would try to cover it up with liquid foundation but it wasn't fixing anything, merely hiding a larger issue. It may have taken a while but I finally came to the point where something had to change. I wanted my skin to have it's own good foundation so that makeup foundation would look good on. Or better yet, my skin to be healthy enough that I didn't feel like I needed foundation. I took a step back, bought products that were at least 50% natural and watched the change. I have taken the last eight months or so and have given my skin a break whenever I could. I took the leap to even more natural products and found Ashley's site.

I had the privilege to meet Ashley at a farmer's market and purchase a few of the products I had my eye on. After I used them (there will be a review of them on here shortly) I squealed with happiness! No dryness, no redness, no irritation, no acne. Nothing. It was if my skin was singing in celebration, I had finally given it what it wanted all along.

The biggest thing I learned from this adventure is to listen to your body, it will always tell you what it needs. I'm not saying I'm going makeup free forever or giving up my favorite highlighter, but when I can go with something 100% natural that works for me I definitely will! As Ashley said when discussing advice for those look to start a more holistic lifestyle, "I think education is key. Educate yourself. Teach others. Encourage others to do the right thing." Wise words!

There's something comforting in knowing that the products are free of artificial fragrance, chemicals, and preservatives. It seems as if we are almost overloading our senses with bolder, longer lasting flavors and scents in what we eat and use. We get so used to blueberry candy that real blueberries seem dull. When someone smells something natural it can seem so weak in scent, which proves how overloaded we can be. Using products that are how they should be can bring the feeling of connection, not only with ourselves but our environment. These products seemed to reach into that part of me as well. I feel equally grateful for the time and energy that nature put into growing ingredients as I do with Ashley for taking the time to learn her craft and offer us a piece of our natural world in such a unique way.

If you are ready to try something new, whether it be one or several products at a time, click on the link below. It will take you to the Gum's Hollow Apothecary website where you can browse the perfect item for you. Dare to take a step out of the grocery and beauty store aisles, give your body something it recognizes, and enjoy knowing you are supporting a small business!

Below is the link to all of the markets that Ashley will be set up at this year along with info about Blissful Yoga Festival that will take place later this fall! I will also include links to all social media accounts so that you can keep track of new products and restocks, which happen often!


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