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It All Adds Up

Being a pet owner means shelling out a lot of love... and a lot of dough.

Paying for proper care of any animal can very quickly add up. Every bag of kibble, vaccine, toy, treat, bowl, and so much more can take a swing at your checking account. Time and money are often some of the top factors that go into deciding whether adding a furry family member is a feasible idea.

Being a first time pet mom, I can say that I thought I knew just how expensive an animal can be...I really didn't!

Just the necessities per month usually hits around $75.00 for me.

However, right after the one year mark of adoption, I found a website that has everything I needed and more! I honestly try and tell every petowner I meet about it. And a recent purchase by a family member was the perfect situation that prompted me to share. hosts an enormous selection of supplies for dogs, cats, fish, reptiles, small pets, and even our equine friends! The first example I was given was of Toran's dog food. He has been on Blue Buffalo Large Breed food his entire life. With it ranging from $52.99 to $56.99 in stores, you can imagine how happy I was to find that his food is $46.99! With Free Two-Day shipping with orders over $49, it was easy for me to get his food with an extra bag of treats delivered on my doorstep.

The main example that I am giving is one that happened to my mom. She went to a pet supplies store in search of a brush for her rescue dog, Franklin. AKA- this little cutie!

As we all know, dogs shed quite a bit and she was looking for a solution that would majorly cut down on all of the lovely black hairs that seems to find their way into all corners of the home.

She finally decided on a tool called the "Furminator". It boasts that it reduces shedding by 90%, which made my mom extremely happy. The sticker shock was a little strong, but if it was really going to work she thought that it would be worth it. A few days later she was telling me about her purchase. Even with a discount code at the register the brush was still $36.99, originally $42.99

Within seconds I had Chewy up and found the exact same brush, for a fraction of the price!

(This is the price as of today, 03/06/2018. It's actually about 40 cents cheaper than when I ordered it for my mom.)

With Chewy's fast shipping service, the new one was actually at the house before I even had a chance to make it over to the store. With the click of a button $25.53 was saved, just a few pennies short of a full month's worth of food for the little guy.

This is just one of the many examples that I could give on items that I have ordered from Chewy versus buying it in the store! I can't tell you how grateful I am to the company, as they have not only made it simple for me to afford the basics for my fur-friend but to spoil him as well!

If you are looking into adopting but aren't sure you can afford adding that next family member to the house take a few minutes, look around the site, and see what all they have to offer you! You may just find yourself able to save that extra life. Animals are expensive but if you look enough you can often find deals that cut down the price of necessities. No one should have to worry or spend so much on the basics that emergency bills (usually vet visits) break the bank. Chewy makes that possible!

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