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It's Fall Y'all.

Or at least that's what I am told by every single post on social media today.

Change is coming, something that we will either openly embrace or spend the next six months in denial about.

Soon the temperature, the leaves, and our skin will all change. Lower temperatures mixed with biting breezes bring dry, cracked, irritated skin if proper moisturization isn't used.

Whether you are walking down the aisle of your nearest Walmart/Target or browsing the displays in Sephora/Ulta, there are literally hundreds of options to choose from when it comes to caring for your skin at a large range of price points. Each of us have individual issues ranging from hormone imbalances, skin texture differences, oiliness/dryness issues, environmental changes, and so many more variations of problems we deal with on the daily.

I am a strong believer in learning about your skin, identifying the issues you have (every single one of us has at least one), learning about what certain ingredients can do for you, and testing out products to see if you get the desired effect from them. It can be a time and money consuming adventure but educating yourself first saves a lot of both.

In the coming weeks I will be offering reviews on all of my favorite skincare products and going over a few ingredients and what they do.

Until then I am offering a face/lip/eye mask giveaway! Each has different ingredients and are used to target different skin issues. Maybe it will help the winner target one of their own issues!

So, to enter just drop your comment to the following question on one of my social media platforms to be entered to win all of the above!

What is your favorite skincare product to use in the cooler months?

I can't wait to dive into skincare!

Stay tuned!

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